Please register your apprentice(s) using the form below. Registration fees will go up $100 on November 11, 2024.
You may pay using a credit card or a check. Please note PHCC has a 4% administrative fee for online payments. If you prefer to pay via check please select the pay later option under the payment method below. Payments must be received prior to October 14 to hold your students spot.
Please see the training schedule for class dates and times for both Cedar Rapids and Des Moines locations.
Employees who are currently in the apprenticeship program entering Year 2 or higher will have their spot on a guaranteed hold until October 7 when payment must be received to our office. After this date any student including those who tested in or transferred can take the remaining open spots on a first come first serve basis.
We currently anticipate the following classes to fill up quickly: Cedar Rapids: Plumbing Years 2 and 3 / HVAC Years 2 and 4.